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MobaXterm – nhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more


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MobaXterm tabbed terminal

From this console window, you will be allowed to run the Unix commands you need: ls, cd, grep, awk, tail, cut, sed, wget, rsync, telnet, ssh, rlogin, rsh … All the essential Unix tools are present. If you need a program that is not available in the basic MobaXterm file, you can download the free plugins.

Sessions management

MobaXterm allows you to launch remote sessions. You can choose to create SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, XDMCP, FTP, SFTP or Serial sessions. Every session you start is automatically saved and displayed in the left sidebar.

Graphical SFTP browser

When you log to a remote server using SSH, a graphical SFTP browser pops up on in the left sidebar. It allows you to drag and drop files directly from/to the remote server using a secure SFTP connection.

X11 server

When you run a SSH, TELNET or RLOGIN/RSH session you will be able to display your remote applications directly on your local Windows PC. In a SSH session, there is no need to set the “DISPLAY” variable as MobaXterm uses X11-forwarding in order to ease and secure your work.

Enhanced X extensions

The embedded X server based on X.org provides the latest features available in recent X server implementations: extensions such as OpenGL, Composite or Randr are included. Xdmcp protocol is also supported.


Write once, execute everywhere: this tool allows you to execute the same commands on many different servers at the same time.

Embedded servers

MobaXterm allows you to start network daemons for remote access. No extra tool or runtime is needed in order to use these daemons.

Embedded tools

MobaXterm brings some useful tools for sysadmins, developers, webmasters and all users who need to work efficiently with their computer.

Remote Unix desktop (XDMCP)

Thanks to MobaXterm you can work on your remote Solaris desktop as if you were working locally on your Windows computer using the XDMCP protocol.

Remote Windows desktop (RDP)

Take control of your remote Windows computers/servers using the RDP protocol. Many RDP configuration settings are available in the session manager.


And many, many more.