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Taxonomy, Ontology, Folksonomies

Taxonomy Tree


  • Taxonomy is useful when searching for, or describing, an object.
  • Taxonomy is a subject-based classification that arranges the terms in a controlled vocabulary , and allows related terms to be grouped together and categorized in ways that make it easier to find the correct term to use.


  • Ontology is the study of the categories of things that exist or may exist in some domain. It’s the exact description of things and their relationships.
  • An ontology is a formal specification of a shared conceptualization


  • Folksonomies is a user-driven approach to organizing information.
  • Websites with folksonomies include two basic functions: users can add “tags” to information and create navigational links out of those tags to help users find and organize that information later.
  • Folksonomies address two disadvantages with taxonomies, in that the information within folksonomies is organized and maintained by users, so very little work has to be done by the designers after initially setting up the tagging system.