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How to Virtually increase traffic to your site

How To Increase Website Traffic

Here you wil l understand how to uncrease traffic to your website. 

The basic principle for that is to measure your site traffic by google analytics.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics has the following main measurements:

Sessions, Users, Pageviews, Pages / Sessions, Avg session duration, Bounce Rate, New Sessions, Demographic




3. Tool for manpulating TOR

At this stage, the following manipulations need to be done to TOR browser:

a. Select random number of seconds from 2 min to 7 min.

b. Activate TOR by external program.

c. Appling to TOR command promp parameters of URLs to activate.

d. After TOR loads with the requested URL at each separate tab of browser, count down the minutes from #a to zero.

e. Terminate TOR.

f. Goto #a.

The result will be random number of minutes to each tab while each TOR activation, it opens the URLs with different IP.

2. Tor Browser

The second thing that you need is TOR browser. Tor browser will access to web with different IP then the IP you got from your service provider. It means that at the same time your comupter has two IPs:

a. IP you got from service provider.

b. IP upon activating TOR.

At this state, when you browse with TOR, you actually browse with different IP. Google analytics identifys the session from TOR as different session and different user. Try it and verify that.