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My Ph.D research – Measuring the impact of awareness to information on Women’s Longevity

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Life expectancy as a statistical measure of the average time humans are expected to live
is based on countless parameters and variables. Year of birth, demographics, gender, ethnic
group and immigration, education, income, habits and lifestyle are just some of them. In
recent decades, life expectancy has risen by tens of percent and this fact has a multitude of

Many questions are raised about Life expectancy and its ability to influence it, and
these questions are troubling to many researchers and the general population. These questions
and studies have been growing in recent years in light of the understanding that Life
expectancy significantly affects the personal and global economy which affects the personal
resilience of the public and the resilience of the country and its systems. These effects,
economic and business, are significant and very wide-ranging and the world is shaping its
future in light of these effects as I will count in a number of examples such as: impact on health
systems and the need for additional funding, employment and job vacancies, impact on
benefits and pensions, insurance and redemptions, longer-term savings and loans, the
creation of more diverse places of entertainment and employment for the elderly, and many
other diverse economic and business impacts.

There are many approaches that present themselves as influencing statistics and the
ability to improve Life Expectancy, some complement each other and others contradict each
other. Therefore, these questions do not receive unequivocal answers and are still very much
hidden. Right now, different sections of the population are adopting different approaches in
the hope that these will affect their longevity, is there a proven impact? Does Life Expectancy
stand on its own or does it also depend on Quality of life?

In this research, advanced statistical tools will be used which will try to predict the Life
expectancy of an individual and allow them to adopt an approach that is individually
appropriate while changing parameters and variables (parameters that are not dependent on
existing fact) that will improve the Life expectancy and Quality of life.

This study will examine the impact of Life expectancy on women, reflecting practical
results that indicate the gender population. In addition to the above, this hypothesis is even
more powerful these days when we all experience the epidemic that is underway around the
world following the covid-19 virus and its impact on the different populations and its Life

About the main research question, the first is measuring whether there is an effect of
independent parameters such as LS, BIO and MED information on dependent parameters such
as LE and QOL for women? An answer for this is YES and it is described in more detailed manner
at the secord research question of what are the most influential parameters for QOL and LE
from the categories under consideration – LS, BIO information and MED information for
women? Based on measured parameters, the findings shows that the main three parameters
are occupation type with a positive correlation, marital status with positive correlation and
alcohol consumption, surprisingly with positive correlation, meaning alcohol consumption
actually might have a positive effect on life expectancy and longevity.