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Wireshart Fiddler and Haven onDemand


Security assistant tools such as WireSharkm fiddler and other API such as Haven ondemand will be discussed here.

  • Wireshark is a Free and open source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education (wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiresharkwireshark).
  • Haven OnDemand delivers a growing set of RESTful APIs to help developers build apps that tackle the explosive growth of unstructured data. We’re exposing the capabilities of HP IDOL (Intelligent Data Operating Layer), the world’s leading on-premise human information processing engine, to deliver a wide selection of web services, including sentiment analysis, face detection, entity extraction, text indexing, and more – for quick and lightweight integration into your apps.
  • Fiddler The free web debugging proxy
    for any browser, system or platform