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Category: Python

  • Python how and why

    Setup environment Install python. Install VS Code Leaning resources Sololearn – Machine Learning Tools Gradio is the fastest way to demo your machine learning model with a friendly web interface so that anyone can use it, anywhere! GitBook brings all your technical knowledge together in a single, centralized knowledge base. So you can access and…

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  • Cloud Development (Repl, CodeSandbox )

    Comparison Google trends Repl.it Repl.it CLOUD DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT Pricing languagesClojure, Haskell, Kotlin (beta)QBasic, Forth, LOLCODE, BrainFEmoticon, Bloop, Unlambda, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, SchemeAPL, Lua, Python 2.7, RubyRoy, Python, Nodejs, GoC++, C, C#, F#HTML, CSS, JS, Rust, SwiftPython (with Turtle), Django, Express, Sinatra, Ruby on RailsR, Next.js, GatsbyJS, ReactBash, Quil, Crystal, JuliaElixir, Nim, Dart, Reason NodeJsErlang, TypeScript, Pygame,…

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  • Install Tensorflow on raspberry pi and classify Images

    Install Tensorflow on raspberry pi and classify Images

    Steps: Download Raspbian strech with desktop from RaspberryPi Unzip downloaded image. Using Win32DiskImager, flash a SDCARD (minimum 8GB) with downloaded Raspbian Stretch. Power up rasphberry pi with: Usb Mouse and Keyboard. Hdmi monitor SdCard MicroUsb  Power spply Case of using Raspberry pi 2, plugin also usb wifi dongle. Let the Raspberry Pi power up till…

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