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WPI – Windows Performance indicator


Windows Performance indicator

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Right Click and select “Save as” to Download

Licence Free
Price $0
Size 806 KB
Ver 1.0.2
Category Hardware Diagnostics
Operating System Windows 8 – 32/64 bit
Windows 10 – 32/64 bit

Analyze your system’s overall performance and view whether its various components are lagging behind, with this simple benchmarking tool

When it comes to measuring your PC’s performance, there are numerous tools that can help you out, aimed at both gamers and regular users. However, many are quite complex, and a simpler utility is often more than enough to get the job done.

WPI – Windows Performance Indicator is a lightweight program that enables you to test the performance of your computer by analyzing various components. It is very simple to use.

WPI software will measure Computers hardware performance score. It measures:

  1. Overall system score.
  2. Memory Score
  3. Cpu Score
  4. Graphics Score
  5. Direct X score
  6. Gaming score
  7. Disk score


wpi3News and updated:

08/03/2016 – Review of WPI at Softpedia

