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Tag: Facebook

  • Privacy on the network / Average revenue per user

    Privacy on the network / Average revenue per user

    01 – Search at google for google dashboard or browse to http://www.google.com/dashboard 02 – Search at google for google alertsĀ or browse to: https://www.google.com/alerts 03 – Arpu – Average revenue per user: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_revenue_per_user 04 – How much are you worth? Average revenue per user at Google, Facebook and Twitter: http://www.digitalstrategyconsulting.com/intelligence/2014/06/ad_revenue_per_user_google_facebook_twitter.php 05 – Facebook privacy guide: https://www.facebook.com/about/basics/…

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  • How to prevent Google, Facebook and Tweeter to track you

    How to prevent Google, Facebook and Tweeter to track you

    1. How to prevent google to track your location: https://www.google.com/maps/timeline 2. Facebook Settings page: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications%C2%A7ion=all https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=securityĀ§ion=devices&view 3. Prevent Youtube watch history: https://history.google.com/history/youtube/watch?utm_source=sidenav 4. Prevent Youtube search history: https://history.google.com/history/youtube/search?utm_source=sidenav Here you can view your videos search history. 5. Tweeter Security and Privacy Settings: https://twitter.com/settings/security 6. Start using Tor browser http://wp.flash-jet.com/2015/08/30/what-are-tor-darknet/ A darknet (or dark net)…

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  • How facebook knows what is your fields of interest?

    How facebook knows what is your fields of interest?

    Facebook show you ads based on things theyĀ think you care about. Your preferences include information from your profile as well as actions you take on and off Facebook.Ā  https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/edit/

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  • Facebook API: What can I gain from “Facebook Graph Search” ?

    Facebook API: What can I gain from “Facebook Graph Search” ?

    What Wikipedia has to say about Graph Search? Facebook Graph Search was a semantic search engine that was introduced by Facebook in March 2013. It was designed to give answers to user natural language queries rather than a list of links.[1] The Graph Search feature combined the big dataacquired from its over one billion users…

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  • Social Searcher – Free Social Media Search Engine

    Social Searcher – Free Social Media Search Engine

    Social search or a social search engine is a type of web search that takes into account the Social Graph of the person initiating the search query. When applied to web searches the Social-Graph uses established algorithmic or machine-based approaches where relevance is determined by analyzing the text of each document or the link structure…

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