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How to control high voltage (220v-ac) elements by GSM?

Smart Switch
  • SmartSwitch is an element controlled by GSM or mobile phone.
  • Here is a User Manual for

    Manual 1: Smart Switch

    Manual 2: Smart Switch

    • Modes of operation:
      • Set password:
        • Send SMS to GSM smart switch:
          • SN[old pasword]NEW[new password]
          • Example: SN0000NEW1234ย 
      • SMS to turn on / off
        • SN1234ON
        • SN1234OFF
      • SMS to turn on for period of time.
        • Long period:
          • SN1234L020 – Will turn on the switch for 20 min.
        • Short period of time:
          • SN1234T4 – Will turn on the switch for 3 sec.
      • Dial to turn on / off:
        • Assign phone number to switch by SMS:
          • SN[password]SET[phone number]ย 
          • SN1234SET054098098765
        • After that just dial to the switch and it will togele it’s state.
      • Dial to turn on for period of time.
        • Send SMS to switch: SN1234XT9 will switch the device on for 9 seconds upon dial.
      • Turn on / off instantly by pressing the SW button on the GSM smart Switch.
      • Reset the GSM smart switch by pressing SW and SET buttons at the same time on. Default Code will be 0000.
  • Here are pictures of SmartSwitch:
  • 30468519452_bf2203a44f_z
  • 30468537722_8a275d29dd_z
  • 30585331445_0d302425e1_z-1
  • Relay inside the SmartSwitch


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