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IRobot 780 charging problem

81jne3pv9il. Sl1500

Charging problem

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  • Problem
    • The Irobot showed Error 5 on it’s display.
    • After measuring the AC adapter, it showed about 22Vdc.
    • The faulty battery show 15.6v after charging the robot.
    • I bought new battery at AliExpress from HERE. It was a battery of 3500mA. The original battery showed mark of 4500mA.
  • Solution
    • After that I took an Irobot from friend and used his battery, 4500mA new battery, and the faulty Irobot worked OK.

Irobot Parts



2019.02.17 Charging problem

  • Robot was not connected to charger for a month.
  • Due to that, after connecting it to charger, it didn’t work.
  • What I did is to take the battery and charge it with external power supply for 30 min, as described at the following picture:
  • After that connect the battery to the Robot and continue to charge with the robot charger.