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Windows / PC Tips

Free Space

  1. Win+R, Write prefetch, Delete all
  2. Win+R, Write temp, Delete all
  3. Win+R, Write %temp%, Delete all
  4. Win+R, Write cleanmgr.

Speed up

  1. MsConfig


  1. Task manager->Tab “Start-up apps“->Sort by “Status”->Disable the non relevant apps.
  2. Run MRT
    1. Option 1: Click on Win+R
    2. Option 2: Open Cmd
  3. Windows settings->System->Storage:
    1. Temporary files->Remove
    2. Other users
    3. Others and more options.
  4. Run “Disk Cleanup” app.
  5. DownloadApp: WinDirStat, to analyze your disk space.
  6. Remove not relevate installations from Control panel.
  7. Use Microsoft PC manager
  8. Delete prefetch files


  1. Remove activation watermark
  2. Find Your Windows Product Key
    • Cmd->
      • wmic path softwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey
    • More tricks
      • Cheap and good laptop suggestion.
  3. Make your machine faster
    •  Search in settings “Animation effects” and turn it off.
  4. General PC tips
  5. Reset password(not tested)
  6. Co Pilot
    1. Preview for windows 11 co-pilot
    2. How to enable
    3. Notes
      1. Login with your microsoft account
      2. Run winver and make sure you have version 22H2
  7. 5 Windows Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

Browsers Tweaks

  • Chrome restore previouse download bubbles
  • Download bubble:
    • chrome://flags/#download-bubble
    • Change to diabled
    • Relaunch


  1. Sandbox

Move Win Key PC to PC

This explains how to move windows license from PC to PC:

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  1. Step 1: get current sources PC Windows license.
    1. Open cmd
    2. Run
      • wmic path softwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey

  2. Step 2: Deactivate and activate on the other PC
    1. On source PC: Open cmd as admin
      1. Uninstall product key: slmgr /upk
      2. Remove from registry: slmgr /cpky
    2. On destination PC: Open cmd as admin
      1. slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
      2. slmgr /dlv
      3. Confirm by: Settings > Update & Security > Activation

New PC install

  1. Go to settings and reset pc.
  2. Install utilities form Ninite
  3. Setup without a Microsoft account

Windows 11 download