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Interactive Broker – Israel

General Info

  1. Minimum Amount for american options: Euro 2000
  2. youtune channel
  3. Webinars
  4. Collective 2
    • מסחר על ידי מנהלי השקעות מובילים

How to

  • How to get log of activity or actions
    1. Performance->Statements->Activity
    2. Select dates range
    3. Select Html->view
    4. View required data under
      • Trades
      • Deposits & Withdrawals


  1. API
    1. https://www.inter-il.com/api/
    2. https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/initial_setup.html
  2. Trading platform
    1. https://www.inter-il.com/tws/
  3. Demo Account
    1. Login to personal account
    2. https://www.clientam.com/AccountManagement/AmAuthentication?action=UnifiedSettings
    3. Search for “Papar”.
  4. Permissions



  • Interactive , Interil
  • Inter IL , Interactive Israel
  • Interactive brokers
  • IBKR
  • אינטראקטיב , איטראקטיב ברוקרס