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Elastic search alternatives – search big data

Index Platform Name & Link Description Free/Paid Has API Advantages Disadvantages OS Grade
1 Python Versatile programming language Free No Wide-ranging libraries, flexible Requires programming knowledge Windows, macOS, Linux 95
2 Elasticsearch Distributed, RESTful search engine Both Yes Scalable, fast searching Complexity in setup Windows, macOS, Linux 90
3 Apache Solr Open-source search platform Free Yes Advanced features, scalable Setup can be complex Windows, macOS, Linux 88
4 Apache Hadoop Framework for distributed storage Free No Good for huge datasets Steep learning curve Windows, macOS, Linux 85
5 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Suite of cloud computing services Both Yes Extensive services, scalable Can be costly, complex Cloud-based 92
6 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud platform for various services Both Yes Market leader, vast options Can be expensive Cloud-based 93
7 Microsoft Azure Cloud computing services Both Yes Integrates with Microsoft products Costly for large-scale use Cloud-based 91