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Text search in mass files – comparison

  • grep: Traditional command-line text search utility, widely available.
  • sift: Modern, fast, supports complex searches with an intuitive interface.
  • ack: Optimized for programmers, great for searching through codebases.
  • ag (The Silver Searcher): Focused on speed and efficiency, especially in large codebases.
  • ripgrep (rg): Extremely fast, respects .gitignore, offers powerful regex support.
  • git grep: Tightly integrated with Git, excels in searching within repositories.
  • ugrep: Extremely versatile and feature-rich, offers advanced regex and Unicode support.
  • The Platinum Searcher (pt): Fast and efficient, particularly for large codebases, simple to use.
No Criteria grep Score sift Score ack Score ag Score ripgrep Score git grep Score ugrep Score pt Score
1 Speed 75 85 70 90 95 85 90 80
2 Ease of Use 80 90 85 85 90 80 85 85
3 Regular Expression Support 70 90 80 80 90 75 95 80
4 Recursive Search 60 90 85 90 95 80 90 85
5 Binary File Handling 50 80 60 70 85 70 80 70
6 Customizability 80 85 75 75 80 70 85 75
7 File Type Filtering 40 90 80 85 90 80 85 80
8 Parallel Processing 30 90 50 85 95 75 90 80
9 Availability/Compatibility 100 70 65 70 80 85 70 65
10 Community Support 90 75 70 75 85 80 75 70
Average Score 67.5 84.5 72.0 80.5 88.5 78.0 84.5 77.0