Passing parameters to Web Service
1. For example you created a Web service an placed it at your IIS. You will access it as follows:
Web services address: http://localhost/WebService.asmx
2. At this stage the Web service will displays a list of all of it’s functions.
3. Calling web services by GET method with functions with parameters:
http://localhost:49614/WebService.asmx/add?num1=10&num2=12 Add - Function Name Num1 - Parameter1 Num2 - Parameter2
4. Calling web services by POST method:
<form method=POST action='http://localhost:49614/WebService.asmx/add'> <input type="text" size="5" name='num1'"></td> - <input type="text" size="5" name='num2'"></td> = <input type=submit value="add"> </td> </form>