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Category: Network

  • How to Virtually increase traffic to your site

    How to Virtually increase traffic to your site

    Here you wil l understand how to uncrease traffic to your website.  The basic principle for that is to measure your site traffic by google analytics. 1. Google Analytics Google Analytics has the following main measurements: Sessions, Users, Pageviews, Pages / Sessions, Avg session duration, Bounce Rate, New Sessions, Demographic     3. Tool for manpulating TOR At this stage, the following…

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  • NetBalancer – Traffic Control and Monitoring Tool

    NetBalancer – Traffic Control and Monitoring Tool

    Control Your Network Traffic “With NetBalancer you can choose specifically how much you want to limit traffic available to a process.” – Lifehacker.com NetBalancer is an internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 with native x64 support. With NetBalancer you can: Set for any process a download…

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  • TeraCopy – Mass copy of files

    One of the most common complaints about newer versions of Windows is the slow copying speed, especially when transferring lots of files over the network. If you want to speed up your copying or if you regularly transfer large amounts of data and have to stop the process to perform some other disk-intensive task, this…

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  • PINGINFOVIEW ( ping info view )

    PINGINFOVIEW ( ping info view )

    PingInfoView (click to download)  is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one table. It automatically ping to all hosts every number of seconds that you specify, and displays the number of succeed and failed pings, as well as the average ping…

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  • Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders

    Mouse without Borders is a product that makes you the captain of your computer fleet by allowing you to control up to four computers from a single mouse and keyboard. This means that with Mouse without Borders you can copy text or drag and drop files across computers. Click to Download

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  • Network tools / IP Scanners / DNS Propagation

    Network tools / IP Scanners / DNS Propagation

    Web tools DNS Propagation https://dnschecker.org/ https://www.whatsmydns.net/ Scam checker https://www.scamadviser.com/ Test your browser SSL Labs Test SSL SSLLabs UpTimeRobot Get alerts for your websites availability Web requests Fiddler Postman Angry IP scanner Download Advanced IP Scanner: Scans network in a matter of seconds Detects any network devices, including Wi-Fi routers and wireless devices Scans ports and…

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