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Tag: Games

  • HTML5 Games and Applications Source Codes

    HTML5 Games and Applications Source Codes

    Learm HTML5 games step by step: 01 – https://bitbucket.org/gmagen1972/game.development.html5 HTML5 Games: 01 – http://superdevresources.com/open-source-html5-games/ 02 – http://openhtml5games.com/ 03 – http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/Javascript_Free_Code/Game_HTML5/List_of_Free_code_Game_HTML5.htm 04 – https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=html+5+games 05 – http://codeincomplete.com/games/ 06 – http://www.w3schools.com/games/default.asp (Learn Gaming). 07 – http://phaser.io/examples Platforms to convert HTML5 to Apple and Android Apps: 01 – https://www.ludei.com/cocoonjs/ 02 – http://phonegap.com/ 03 – https://cordova.apache.org/ 04 – https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-xdk Game development platforms: Unity Blitz Basic Phaser

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  • Top Torrent Resources for Downloading XBox Games: uTorrent, ISO2GOD, and More

    Top Torrent Resources for Downloading XBox Games: uTorrent, ISO2GOD, and More

    Looking for the best torrent resources to download XBox games? Check out these top sites like gamestorrents.com and torrentsbees.com. Plus, find helpful guides for converting ISO files and more. Start gaming now!

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