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Experience Index scores in Windows

67465cff 943f 4fad B736 02372494be7f 63
Method 01:
01 - Open command prompt - cmd.
02 - Enter: winsat prepop
03 - Wait till it finishes.
04 - Open PowerShell.
05 - Enter: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_WinSAT
06 - Results:
CPUScore is the score for the processors on the PC.
D3DScore is the score for the 3D graphics capabilities of the PC.
DiskScore is the score for the sequential read throughput on the system hard disk.
GraphicsScore is the score for the graphics capabilities of the PC.
MemoryScore is the score for the memory throughput and capacity of the PC.
Method 02:
01 - Browse toย %WINDIR%PerformanceWinSATDataStore
02 - Double click onย Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT
03 - View data under WinSpr block.
Method 03:ย 
01 - Run CMD as admin.
02 - Type at CMD the following:ย Winsat formal -restart
03 - Browse toย %WINDIR%PerformanceWinSATDataStore
04 - Openย <date.time>.Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.XML file.
05 - Find data under WinSPR.


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