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Definition for knowledge management

T Definition For Knowledge Management 0.jpg
  • Bringing the right information to the right person at the right time.
  • I think this is the most appropriate definition for Knowledge management cause all infrastructure among us, google search, Company’s Sharepoint, data analyst etc, serve the request of making the right decision cause it is not hard to differentiate between good and bad decision, but it is hard to decide between bad and very bad decision or between very good and excellent decision.
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  • Because of that, I see it very important to get the right information and the right time to the right person and by this the firm will achieve better performance.
  • 3 interesting things to learn from Lesson 01 of Km

  • IM vs KM: Information Management vs Knowledge management:
  • IM deals with Data & Info, Technology, Explicit (Articulated), Facts, statistics.
  • KM deals with Knowledge, people, Tacit (Hidden information), Know how (Experience, innovation).
  • What the World think of Knowledge Management:
  • 89.9% – Positive
  • 1.1% – Negative
  • 9.1% – Indifferent
  • This clearly means that the world accept and adopt KM.

  • Dikw – Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom
  • 1. The Data: Number’s, texts as a raw data.

    2. Information: Data arranged in tables or reports and charts etc.

    3. Knowledge: Explanations for phenomena or or understanding an issued occurred.

    4. Wisdom: Conclusions and corrective actions.