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LinkedIn account dilemma

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Company’s LinkedIn account of employee, belongs to the employee or to the company?

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The background story:

  • An employee worked at Placement Agency (HR-Human resource recruit) and want to quit current position and join leading company as senior recruits. That employees specialty was to recruit by social networks. Here manager was not happy about it and asked here to leave here LinkedIn account to the company, that LinkedIn account includes many contacts of the company.
  • That employee was very surprised by the request of giving here LinkedIn profile to the company and left the company with stridency.
  • In my opinion that employee should leave it’s LinkedIn account credential to the company cause it is the company’s property, actually it depends on that employees contact with the company. If the company and the employee agreed on that before employment the contract between them should be respected.
  • The Employee gained skills at the company and the employee can take his skills with him, no one can take it from him, but the contacts of the employee gained on behalf of the company for the company’s profit.
  • 3 important things that I learned at this lesson are:

  • Linkedin is the more effective in creating leads for B2B
  • Shortening My websites page by:
  • TinyURL
  • Goo.gl
  • Bit.Ly
  • This personal blog of mine has now shorter address: http://bit.ly/1Pq8nf5
  • Most important is how to use the social network as an online presence tool: