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Category: HTML

  • Explore Chart.js and TailAdmin for Admin Panels with Vristo themes Installation

    Explore Chart.js and TailAdmin for Admin Panels with Vristo themes Installation

    Learn how to create stunning admin panels using Chart.js with TailAdmin and Vristo.sbthemes. Easy installation on Azure GIT for efficient project management.

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  • Create payments buttons with paypal

    Login to your paypal account account. Browse to https://www.paypal.com/buttons/ Select and configure the button. Place the html code into your website. To localize, you can add the follwing to the generated html by paypal: <input type=”hidden” name=”country.x” value=”IL” /><input type=”hidden” name=”locale.x” value=”he_IL” /> HTML Variables for PayPal Payments Standard

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  • Open source js Video Players

    5 Open Source HTML5 Video Players JSmpeg

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  • Create online slides and download them as HTML

    Create online slides and download them as HTML

    https://slides.com/ Modern presentation tools The Slides editor is available online, right in your browser. Unlike traditional presentation software, like PowerPoint, there’s no need to download anything. All of your work is stored securely on our servers, accessible wherever you are. Presentations that look great Whether you speak at a conference, host a meeting, or just…

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  • Create Android Phonegap HTML5 project

    Create Android Phonegap HTML5 project

    01. Install Android Studio. Verify that JDK installed, if not then download and install it from here. 02. Create example project of hello world. 03. Run the project on AVD (Android Virtual Device) – Verify everything works ok: Create AVD Select Phone: Nexus 5x System with VT-x select Image x86. Weak system select arm Kitkat…

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  • HTML5 Games and Applications Source Codes

    HTML5 Games and Applications Source Codes

    Learm HTML5 games step by step: 01 – https://bitbucket.org/gmagen1972/game.development.html5 HTML5 Games: 01 – http://superdevresources.com/open-source-html5-games/ 02 – http://openhtml5games.com/ 03 – http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/Javascript_Free_Code/Game_HTML5/List_of_Free_code_Game_HTML5.htm 04 – https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=html+5+games 05 – http://codeincomplete.com/games/ 06 – http://www.w3schools.com/games/default.asp (Learn Gaming). 07 – http://phaser.io/examples Platforms to convert HTML5 to Apple and Android Apps: 01 – https://www.ludei.com/cocoonjs/ 02 – http://phonegap.com/ 03 – https://cordova.apache.org/ 04 – https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-xdk Game development platforms: Unity Blitz Basic Phaser

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  • Web API / Widgets

    Web API / Widgets

    Clock Date / Time 24TimeZones Finance Finance API widgets Investing.com TradingView.com Stockdio.com Integration: wordpress iframe TASE – Tel Aviv stock exchange data sources Structure Files to download Free data Historical data analysis TASE TA35 historical prices Google Finance sheet https://www.quandl.com/ API & Getting started Notes: Most of data is premium-paid. Google code: yahoo-finance-managed Google code…

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  • Redirect from an HTML page to other HTML page

    Redirect from an HTML page to other HTML page Insert the following html code into HTML page title in order to redirect a Web page to other web page: <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; url=http://example.com” />

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