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Category: Electronics

  • OpenCV – Open Source Computer Vision

    OpenCV – Open Source Computer Vision

    OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision, originally developed by Intel research center in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), later supported byWillow Garage and now maintained by Itseez.[1] The library is cross-platform and free for use under the open-source BSD license (From Wikipedia – OpenCV). http://opencv.org/ OpenCV is…

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  • Top Single Board computers (SBC) Developing Environments (IDE)

    Top Single Board computers (SBC) Developing Environments (IDE)

    1. Fritzing http://wp.flash-jet.com/2015/06/20/fritzing-an-open-source-hardware-initiative/ 2. Wiring http://wp.flash-jet.com/2015/06/19/wiring-an-open-source-programming-framework-for-microcontrollers/ 3. Wyliodrin http://wp.flash-jet.com/2015/06/27/wyliodrin-great-ide-for-raspberry-arduino-and-more-sbc/

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  • Wyliodrin – Great IDE for Raspberry, Arduino and more SBC

    Wyliodrin – Great IDE for Raspberry, Arduino and more SBC

    Program using a browser You can program your embedded devices using a browser on any computer. Usually programming embedded devices requires installing specific software. Using Wyliodrin makes it easier. All you need is a computer, a browser and an Internet connection. Sign up on Wyliodrin and start programming your boards. You can even use a…

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  • Fritzing – An open-source hardware initiative

    Fritzing – An open-source hardware initiative

    Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. We offer a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit ofProcessing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teachelectronics in a classroom, and layout andmanufacture professional pcbs.…

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  • Wiring – an open-source programming framework for microcontrollers.

    Wiring – an open-source programming framework for microcontrollers.

    Wiring allows writing cross-platform software to control devices attached to a wide range of microcontroller boards to create all kinds of creative coding, interactive objects, spaces or physical experiences. The framework is thoughtfully created with designers and artists in mind to encourage a community where beginners through experts from around the world share ideas, knowledge…

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  • Windows 10 – The Internet of your things

    Windows 10 – The Internet of your things

    The Internet of Things (IoT) brings together devices, sensors, cloud, data and your imagination. Build what matters most to you. Rapidly prototype and build your Windows IoT solutions on a variety of devices running Windows 10 IoT Core. Windows 10 gives you powerful tools that let you develop fast and deploy to your device. https://dev.windows.com/en-us/iot…

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  • Electronics Designer Resources

    Electronics Designer Resources

    1. Eagle PCB – a PCB designer – http://www.cadsoftusa.com/download-eagle 2. Filter Lab – Filter designer – http://www.microchip.com/pagehandler/en_us/devtools/filterlab-filter-design-software.html 3. Filter Pro – Filter designer – http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/analog/webench/webench-filters.page?DCMP=sva-web-filter-en&HQS=sva-web-filter-powerhouse-20140204-lp-en 4. LtSpice – Design Simulation – http://www.linear.com/designtools/software/

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  • Raspberry Pi stays high in SBC Survey

    Raspberry Pi stays high in SBC Survey

    Important statistics about SBC and Raspberry  1. Favorite among other SBCs: (Click on the picture to enlarge) 2. Top 10 SBC: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (#1) Beaglebone Black (#2) Raspberry Pi Model B+ (#3) Odroid-C1 (#4) DragonBoard 410c (#5) Odroid-XU3 (#6) Parallella (#7) Arduino TRE (#8) Edison Kit for Arduino (#9) Odroid-U3 (#10) 3.…

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  • Raspberry Pi 2 VS Orange Pi VS Banana Pro

    Raspberry Pi 2 VS Orange Pi VS Banana Pro

    A great video of comparison between Banana Pi, Orange Pi and Raspberry Pi. Very interesting features: Wifi, Charging Battery, Power consumption etc… seems like Banana pi takes them all… More comparison links: http://socialcompare.com/en/comparison/raspberrypi-boards-look-alike-2spubijh http://www.htpcguides.com/raspberry-pi-vs-pi-2-vs-banana-pi-pro-benchmarks/

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  • What’s Orange Pi Plus?

    What’s Orange Pi Plus?

    It’s an open-source single-board computer. It can run Android 4.4 , Ubuntu, Debian, Rasberry Pi Image, it uses the AllWinner H3 SoC, and has 1GB DDR3 SDRAM http://www.orangepi.org/ What can I do with Orange Pi Plus? Build… A computer A wireless server Games Music and sounds HD video A speaker Android Scratch Pretty much anything…

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  • MX III – Streadmer with XBMC – Kodi installed

    MX III – Streadmer with XBMC – Kodi installed

    Note: About the Preinstallation of XBMC, if it couldn’t be found when the first time, please waiting for 3-4minutes, then restart. GoodNews: The TRONFY MXIII is available now from US Warehouse. Free Shipping to US within 2-5 business days. Product Specifications: Model MXIII Quantity 1Piece Material Plastic Color Black Specification Operating System Android 4.4.2 Chipset…

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  • Banana Pi – A Highend Single-Board Computer

    Banana Pi – A Highend Single-Board Computer

    Banana Pi What is Banana Pi? http://www.bananapi.org/p/product.html  Banana Pi is a single-board computer.  Banana Pi targets to be a cheap, small and flexible enough computer for daily life.  Built with ARM Cortex-A7 Dual-core CPU and Mali400MP2 GPU, and open source software, Banana Pi can serve as a platform to make lots of applications for different…

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  • Media Center – Raspberry PI – Kodi – XBMC

    Media Center – Raspberry PI – Kodi – XBMC

    1. Download Image of openElec for Raspberry Note: You need to follow the steps below by the following order exactly http://openelec.tv/get-openelec then goto paragraph of “RaspberryPi Builds” and download DISKIMAGE file. 2. Open the compressed file from #1 3. Install the compressed file from #1 on SDCard as follows a. Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ b. Install win32diskimager. c. Run C:Program…

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  • Welcome to Raspberry Pi for Beginners

    Welcome to Raspberry Pi for Beginners

    01 – Welcome to Raspberry Pi for Beginners 02 – Unboxing of my Raspberry Pi 03 – Raspberry Pi – Preping the SD card 04 – Raspberry Pi – Booting (fedora remix) for the first time

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  • SBC – Single Board Computer – Comparison

    SBC – Single Board Computer – Comparison

    The Following table describe list of features for each SBC:   Raspberry PI 2 Arduino Intel Computer Stick MeegoPad ChromeBit Chip Logo Price $35 $30-$70 $200 $100 $100 $9 CPU 1GHz 1GHz RAM 1GB 0.5GB Storage External 4GB Spec Click Click Operating System Raspberry Linux Arduino Linux Windows Linux Windows ChromeOS Linux Windows another interesting…

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