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Vagrant – Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments


01 – What is vagrant?

Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a clean environment based on a standard template.ย These standard templates are called base boxes, and this website is simply a list of boxes people have been nice enough to make publicly available.

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02 –ย What do I need to install vagrant?

a. Install Virtual box of Oracle

b. Install Vagrant.

03 – How do I actually run vagrant?

Boxes fromย http://www.vagrantbox.es/ run them as follows:

Open command prompt at windows or bash shell at linux. At the command prompt write the following:

a. ย c:\>vagrant box add {title} {url}

b. ย c:\>vagrant init {title}

c. ย c:\>vagrant up

d. ย Open virtual box and run the newly installed machine.

Notes:ย Title is the title of the vagrant machine you want to download andย Url is the URL you are downloading the VM (box) from.

Box fromย https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search run them as follows:

a. Create a directory for new VM (virtual machine).

b. Open command prompt.

c. c:\>vagrant init <Name of Box>

c. c:\>vagrant up [optional <–provider virtualbox>]

04 – Video about Vagrant

ย 05 – More info about Vagrant

Vagrant website:ย https://www.vagrantup.com/