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SSMS / Visual Studio Sql server database project

T Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project 0.jpg

Database good practice

  1. Tools to use:
    1. SSMS – sql server management studio
    2. Visual Studio
  2. The following video is the best to describe the process
    1. How To Create a Database Deployment Project in 10 minutes
    2. In short:
      1. Using VisualStudio connect to Database.
      2. Right click on the DB and select create new project.
        1. At this point there are schemes without data.
  3. The following links explains how to generate script of database with data
    1. Auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table
  4. The following script explains how to create Visual studio first time database project:
    1. Create Your First Visual Studio Database Project

Creating A New Database Project