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My first WordPress Plugin – using shortcodes – in 6 steps

Top 10 Wordpress Plugins That You Need To Be Using In 2014

In general you can browse to wordpress developer resources.

1. Create a directory under your wordpress root\wp-content\plugins\ShortcodeDemo.

2. Create file called ShortcodeDemo.php.

3. Paste to ShortcodeDemo.php the following content:

Plugin Name: Shortcode demo
Plugin URI:
Description: Shortcode Demo
Version: 1.0
Author: Gabriel Magen
Author URI: http://www.flash-jet.com
License: GPLv2

add_shortcode( ‘fj’, ‘ch2ts_twitter_feed_shortcode’ );

function ch2ts_twitter_feed_shortcode( $atts ) {
$output = ‘<a href=”http://www.flash-jet.com”>
return $output;


4. Goto wordpress plugins and activate Shortcode demo plugin.

5. Create a post and write there [fj].

6. View the post at wordpress frontend and see the effect.