GIT – Getting started
GIT – Getting started The best way to get into GIT is to experience it with your own hands. You need of course some background for understand how it could be beneficial for your needs. 1. Here is a very good video that demonstrates GIT’s functionality: 2. After you understand the need for source control…
wp2.flash-jet.com new shortened address
wp.flash-jet.com new shortened address http://bit.ly/1Pq8nf5
Definition for knowledge management
Definition for knowledge management Bringing the right information to the right person at the right time. I think this is the most appropriate definition for Knowledge management cause all infrastructure among us, google search, Company’s Sharepoint, data analyst etc, serve the request of making the right decision cause it is not hard to differentiate between…
How to create a bootable Linux USB stick on Window
How to create a bootable Linux USB stick on Window To run Ubuntu from a USB stick, the first thing you need to do is insert a USB stick with at least 2GB of free space into your PC. The easiest way to put Ubuntu onto your stick is to use the USB installer provided…
New Article Reveals The Low Down on Hostgator Coupon And Why You Must Take Action Today
Hostgator Coupon, https://about.me/hostgator1centcoupon. Understanding The Secret Distinctions In between Normal Shared Hosting And VPS Hosting – Computers and Internet Articles Just about every one you know can wear a dusty old white T-shirt and two Dickies and reference that because the trend in skateboard fashion. But the fact is that even cheap skateboarding clothes will…
How to create bootable windows on USB Flash disk (disk on key)
How to create bootable windows on USB disk on key 1. On windows 8, at the search bar of windows, search for windows to go: 2. Enter at the Search Bar: “Windows to go”. 3. Open “Windows to go” and follow the instruction there. 4. Note 1: You will have to use Windows 8 Enterprise…
Create a bootable Windows installation drive using Sandisk
Create a bootable Windows installation drive using Sandisk To create a bootable USB flash drive Insert a USB flash drive into a running computer. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator. Type diskpart. In the new command line window that opens, to determine the USB flash drive number or drive letter, at the command…
Raspberry Pi – Videos
Welcome to Raspberry Pi for Beginners 01 – Welcome to Raspberry Pi for Beginners 02 – Unboxing of my Raspberry Pi 03 – Raspberry Pi – Preping the SD card 04 – Raspberry Pi – Booting (fedora remix) for the first time
Your app should be perfect in the very beginning
Your app should be perfect in the very beginning http://www.geektime.co.il/your-app-should-be-perfect-in-the-very-beginning/
Using Singleton Classes for WordPress Plugins
Using Singleton Classes for WordPress Plugins http://hardcorewp.com/2013/using-singleton-classes-for-wordpress-plugins/
Software Development resources
Software Development resources 01 – Visual Studio 02 – Eclipse 03 – Android Development studio 04 – Notepad ++ 05 – JSFiddle
Mockup Resources
Mockup Resources 01 – Draw.io – http://wp.flash-jet.com/draw-io-great-diagramming-tool/ 02 – Marvel App – https://marvelapp.com/ 03- Balsamiq – https://balsamiq.com/ 04 – Paint .Net – http://www.getpaint.net/index.html
Power BI
Excel Tips and Tricks
General Tips Import data from picture Create an attendance tracker Calculate worked hours Create awesome charts with REPT Sensitivity Analysis What if ניתוח רגישות How to, List of values Move Excel spreadsheets online, share, embed on a web page and make interactive Create a drop-down list – how to create a selection box of options…
D3.js Bubble charts
D3.js Bubble charts D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to…
3 Simple steps to display Graph with Chart.JS
3 Simple steps to display Graph with Chart.JS First download chart.js Step 1: Create HTML Template: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″ /> <title>Chart.js demo</title> <script src=’Chart.min.js’></script> </head> <body> </body> </html> Step 2: Add Canvas:: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta…
Chart.js Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers
Chart.js – Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers Resources: 01 – Homepage: http://www.chartjs.org/ 02 – Exaples: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/11/easily-create-stunning-animated-charts-with-chart-js/ 03 – 3 and a half steps for creating graphs an charts with Chart.JS: http://wp.flash-jet.com/4-simple-steps-to-display-graph-with-chart-js/
Create and Map a Server Environment
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh213230.aspx https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/ssis/ssis-2012-projects-deployment-configurations-and-monitoring/
How to automate cube processing with XMLA OR AMO
BI SSRS / SSMS / SSAS / SSMS Password: nayabi2015 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qjawz1tn033f2qn/AACgZP17vaBk4as_HwGBr4IIa?dl=0
Source Control resources
Source Control resources Git hosting: 01 – https://bitbucket.org/ 02 – https://github.com/ Svn & Git hosting: 01 – http://www.assembla.com Svn hosting: 01 – https://code.google.com/ Deploy Source: 01 – http://dploy.io/ SVN Tools: 01 – SVN Server – https://www.visualsvn.com/server/ 02 – SVN Client – http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html
Great XML Validator of W3Schools
Great XML Validator of W3Schools Errors in XML documents will stop your XML applications. The W3C XML specification states that a program should stop processing an XML document if it finds an error. The reason is that XML software should be small, fast, and compatible. HTML browsers will display HTML documents with errors (like missing…
Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. Bootstrap is completely free to download and use! Resources: 01 – Learn Bootstrap – http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/default.asp 02 – Bootstrap RTL – https://github.com/morteza/bootstrap-rtl CDN: <!– Latest compiled and minified CSS –> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css”> <!– jQuery library –> <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <!– Latest…
Build Android App with PhoneGap
Build Android App with PhoneGap 01 – Install JDK http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html 02 – Install Android Studio http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#top 03 – Install Node.JS http://nodejs.org/download/ 04 – Install PhoneGap Open command prompt and write there: C:> npm install -g phonegap 05 – Install Cordova C:>npm install -g cordova 06 – Create new phonegap project : Open command prompt and…
CoinCo Global – Vending Machines – Manuals
CoinCo Global – Vending Machines – Manuals Coins Machine for vending Machines 01 – Manuals – http://www.coinco-europe.com/support/manualsanddatasheets 02 – Pictures at Google 03 – Israeli Representor – http://www.mrvend.co.il/
AutoHotKey – Fast scriptable desktop automation with hotkeys
AutoHotKey – Fast scriptable desktop automation with hotkeys AutoHotkey is a free, open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows. Initially aimed at providing easy keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, fast macro-creation and software automation that allowed users of most levels of computer skill to automate repetitive tasks in any Microsoft Windows application. User interfaces can easily…
AutoIt V3 – freeware BASIC-like scripting language for automating the Windows GUI
https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/downloads/ AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained…
JQuery Mobile – Lesson 05 – Navbar – Buttons and more
JQuery Mobile – Lesson 05 – Navbar – Buttons and more Lesson 01 | Lesson 02 | Lesson 03 | Lesson 04 | Lesson 05 1. At this lesson we will continue from Lesson 03. 2. Here is the HTML Code from Lesson 03 with changes marked with RED color: A navbar will appear with two…
Draw.io – Great Diagramming tool
Draw.io – Great Diagramming tool Great Website for diagramming and it is free. It allows to to share and save and export from/to most common formats. Here is the welcome screen: Main screen User interface: https://www.draw.io/