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Tutorial: Develop Plug-in that displays list of Posts under Admin-Settings in 8 Steps

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General: Here a plugin that will display a list of posts will be demonstrated.

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Step 01: Plugin name will be DisplayListOfPosts

Step 02: Create a directory under wordpress-root\wp-content\plugins\DisplayListOfPosts

Step 03: Create a file under that directory called: DisplayListOfPosts.php

Step 04: The the following content to the plugin file:


Plugin Name: Display List of Posts
Plugin URI: http://www.flash-jet.com
Description: A plugin demo that will display list of Posts
Version: 1.0
Author: Gabriel Magen
Author URI: http://www.flash-jet.com


Step 05: From wordpress admin panel, activate the new plugin.

Step 06: Here an action of adding option to admin menu will be demonstrated. Add the following code to file:

//adding action to admin menu and bind it to function name


function DisplayListOfPosts_admin_actions() {

add_options_page(‘Display List Of Posts’,’Display List Of Posts’,’manage_options’,__FILE__,’DisplayListOfPosts_admin’);

//add_options_page(HTML Page title,Settings Submenu,hook only admin can see,php constant,function that will display the posts list);


function DisplayListOfPosts_admin() {


Step 07: Replace function DisplayListOfPosts_admin()  with the following::

function DisplayListOfPosts_admin() {

global $wpdb; //wpdb wordpress database class
$mytestdata=$wpdb->get_results(“select ID,post_title from $wpdb->posts”); //get a query into wpdb class
echo “<br>Display list of posts:<br>”;

echo “<table border=1>”;//display the results as a table

foreach ($mytestdata as $singleraw) //loop inside the query
echo “<tr>”;
echo “<td>”.$singleraw->post_title.”</td>”;
echo “<td>”.$singleraw->ID.”</td>”;
echo “</tr>”;

echo “</table>”;


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Step 08: Final code:


Plugin Name: Display List of Posts
Plugin URI: http://www.flash-jet.com
Description: A plugin demo that will display list of Posts
Version: 1.0
Author: Gabriel Magen
Author URI: http://www.flash-jet.com


function DisplayListOfPosts_admin_actions() {

add_options_page(‘Display List of Posts’,’Display List of Posts’,’manage_options’,__FILE__,’DisplayListOfPosts_admin’);

function DisplayListOfPosts_admin() {

global $wpdb;
$mytestdata=$wpdb->get_results(“select ID,post_title from $wpdb->posts”);
echo “<br>Display list of posts:<br>”;

echo “<table border=1>”;
foreach ($mytestdata as $singleraw)
echo “<tr>”;
echo “<td>”.$singleraw->post_title.”</td>”;
echo “<td>”.$singleraw->ID.”</td>”;
echo “</tr>”;
echo “</table>”;


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