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Media Center – Raspberry PI – Kodi – XBMC

Kodi Winter Header

1. Download Image of openElec for Raspberry

Note: You need to follow the steps below by the following order exactly

http://openelec.tv/get-openelec then goto paragraph of “RaspberryPi Builds” and download DISKIMAGE file.

2. Open the compressed file from #1

3. Install the compressed file from #1 on SDCard as follows

a. Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/

b. Install win32diskimager.

c. Run C:Program Files (x86)ImageWriterWin32DiskImager.exe

d. Insert SD Card (at least 4 GB and maximum 16GB cause Raspberry Pi doesn’t support above it) to pc.

e. At Win32diskimager select the drive of Sd Card and select the .img file from #2.

f. Click on “Write” button.

g. Read more at Wiki for openElec

4. Connect to Raspberry the following elements

  • SdCard (Class 10, 4GB suggested).
  • HDMI Monitor.
  • Network or Wifi dongle.
  • Keyboard.
  • Mouse.
  • Power supply (Micro USB connector 5V 2A).

5. Raspberry will boot.

6. Accept all default till you see main screen of Kodi – XBMC.

7a. Option A: Configure Genesis Addon:

Install on Kodi v17 by the following links:


7b. Option B: Install Exodus

The short version is to add the following source:

The long version is here:

8. Setup live TV (IsraelLive)

a. System->File Manager->Add Source->Source:

  • Source: http://srp.nu
  • Name: srp

b. System->settings->Addons->Install from Addons repository->All addons->Live Tv client->PVR IPTV simple client.

c. System->settings->Add-ons->Install from Zip file->Srp->Helix->All->superrepo.kodi.helix.all-0.7.03.zip.

d. Wait till finishing install.

e. Video->Video Add-ons->Get More->IsraelLive

f. Rerstart Raspberry Pi.

g. View more at the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CrLDYU3V0I

9. Add subtitles, explained here

a. System->Settings->Video->Subtitles.

b. Preferred subtitle language.

c. Languages to download subtitles for,

d. Default TV/Movie service->Get More-

e. Read more about subtitles configuration here:


10. Install Remote controller over Wifi

For android:

a. Yaste – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.leetzone.android.yatsewidgetfree

b. Kore – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.syncedsynapse.kore2

For IPhone:

a. Sybu – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sybu-for-kodi-and-xbmc/id567524653?mt=8

11 Install Adults / Porn add-ons on Kodi

a. System->Settings->Add-ons->Install from zip file->fusion->kodi-repos->xxx-adult->repository.TheYidXXX-1.4.zip.zip.

b. Install from zip file->fusion->xbmc-repos->xxx-adult->repository.xbmcadult-1.0.6.zip.

c. Add all under Install from zip file->fusion->xbmc-repos->repository.xxxadultxbmc0-1.0.0.zip.

d. System->Settings->Add-Ons->Install from repository->AdultsXBMC.com Add-on Repository->Video add-ons.

e. Select add-ons to install.

f. Goto Video->Add ons-> Get more->Search for Oxo, Tubesex, XxTRUCOxX and more…

g. View more info here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaoK16DxrSA

12. Hebrew Localization

a. Goto System->Settings->Appearance->Envelope->Fonts->Ariel Based.

b. Change interface to hebrew by->International->Language->Hebrew.

c. Goto System->Settings->Video->Subtitles->Encoding (ערכת תווים)->Hebrew (Windows)

13. Audio settings & Screen Calibration

  • Goto System->Settings->System-Display Output->Video Calibration.
  • Adjust the Video.
  • Audio: System->settings->system->Audio output->Audio output device->HDMI and Analogue

14. VOD and Sports Israel

15. External Links

Hebew Localization:

a. http://forum.solid-run.com/your-first-steps-beginners-corner-f17/openelec-kodi-no-hebrew-solved–t1990.html

b. Kodi the Wiz – Home Teather

Google Trends:

a. Kodi VS Plex


c. Kodi’s requiments with Raspberry


d. How to install Genesis https://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-manually-install-gotv-for-xbmc/

e. Install Kodi – Hebrew: http://www.hometheater.co.il/article04465.html

f. Install IsraelLive – a Plugin for live TV: http://www.hometheater.co.il/vt219048.html