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Centralized post for WordPress development

Wordpress Setup Multisite Network Mode 0.jpg


Add menu item


[shortcode param1='param 1 value' param2='param 2 value']

Read parameters:

function shortcode_function($atts)
echo $atts['param1']; //param 1 value will be displayed.
echo $atts['param2']; //param 2 value will be displayed.

Plugin Header

  • Example 1
    • /*
      Plugin Name: Shortcode demo
      Plugin URI:
      Description: Shortcode Demo
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Gabriel Magen
      Author URI: http://www.flash-jet.com
      License: GPLv2


Object oriented plugin


How to


  • Add a language
    • Go to HERE
    • Locate requested language
    • Click on “View team page
    • Click on “Download language pack
    • Upload the downloaded file to wp-contentlanguages
    • At wordpress admin panel, go to Settings->General
      • Select the required language

FTP access to install Theme or Plugin

  • Add to wp-config.php, after define(‘DEBUG’,off);, the following line:
    • define(‘FS_METHOD’,’direct’);
    • At the following picture FS_METHOD appears twice, the white is not legal and the yellow is legal.
  • Click on the following video that demonstrates this.


  • Install
    • Go to Woocommerce.com
    • Download plugin and install from there.



Post editing

  • Elementor

Code management

  • Gitium

Code Editing / IDE

  • WpIde
  • AceIde


Fix errors

  • Enable debug
    • In wp-config.php add
      • define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
  • Enable plugins download
    • In wp-config.php add
      • define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);
  • Error after changing to https
    • Settings->general->change to https
    • Admin page (wp-admin) is not accessible.
    • How to resolve?
      • Install a plugin called
        • Flexible SSL for CloudFlare